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标准编号:GB/T 28239-2012E 标准状态:已作废
标准价格:360.0 客户评分:星星星星1
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This national standard specifies the limits and measurement methods for weighted specific fuel consumption and specific oil consumption of non-road diesel engines.
This national standard is applicable to non-road diesel engines (hereinafter referred to as diesel engines) with power ratings of 560 kW and below,used e.g. for land applications (excluding road vehicles,tri-wheel and low-speed goods vehicles),ships,agricultural tractors,forestry machinery,construction equipment,generating sets and water pumping sets,excluding the marine diesel engiens fueled with heavy oil.
NOTE:The diesel engines exported from China shall be subject to the standards and regulations on the limits for specific fuel consumption specified by the importing countries or regions.
英文名称:  Limits and measurement methods for non-road diesel engine specific fuel consumption and specific oil consumption
标准状态:  已作废
什么是替代情况? 替代情况:  被GB/T 28239-2020代替;强制性转化为推荐性标准,其文本不做任何调整;公告:中华人民共和国国家标准批准发布公告2017年第7号
什么是中标分类? 中标分类:  机械>>活塞式内燃机与其他动力设备>>J91内燃机与附属装置
什么是ICS分类?  ICS分类:  能源和热传导工程>>27.020内燃机
发布部门:  General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China and Standardization Administration of the Peoples Republic of China
发布日期:  2012-03-09
实施日期:  2013-01-01
作废日期:  2020-11-01
提出单位:  China Machinery Industry Federation.
什么是归口单位? 归口单位:  SAC/TC 177 Technical Committee on Internal Combustion Engines of Standardization Administration of China.
主管部门:  SAC/TC 177 Technical Committee on Internal Combustion Engines of Standardization Administration of C
页数:  32页
出版社:  中国标准出版社
出版日期:  2018-08-01
相关搜索: 柴油机  [ 评论 ][ 关闭 ]

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